苏瑞涛研究员 -甬江实验室



ruitao-su@ylab.ac.cn | Google Scholar|Web of Science

博士:明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota),机械工程 (2020)

硕士:辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati),机械工程 (2015)

学士:华中科技大学(Huazhong University of Science & Technology),机械工程 (2013)

我的研究方向集中于增材制造(3D打印)在多功能器件制造领域的创新应用。在麻省理工学院计算机科学与人工智能实验室( MIT, CSAIL) 从事博士后研究期间,对人工智能和 3D打印的互动关系做了原创性研究。3D打印人造眼球等研究成果被美国《国家地理》频道评为“改变未来医疗领域的12项创新技术”之一,并获得国际材料协会博士生银奖。获邀担任国际期刊《Micromachines》主题编辑,中国机械工程学会英文期刊《AMF》青年编委。

苏瑞涛|Ruitao Su
研究员|Research Scientist
甬江实验室|Yongjiang Lab
Advanced Functional Additive Manufacturing Group
Email: ruitao-su@ylab.ac.cn
Google Scholar | LinkedIn | CV | 简历
先进功能增材制造课题组的使命是促进等离子体射流物理和微观三维结构的3D 打印技术的融合,为下一代微电子和生物多功能器件的性能提高和定制化打印奠定技术基础。基础研究专注于低温等离子体射流状态模拟和实验诊断、材料颗粒和带电粒子间的作用、以及打印过程中的质能传输机理,并在此基础上开发耦合气溶胶射流和等离子体射流的新型打印装置和控制方法。课题组在多功能器件3D打印领域积累了坚实的技术基础。
Education | 教育背景
PhD - University of Minnesota, Mechanical Engineering (2020)
MS - University of Cincinnati, Mechanical Engineering (2015)
BS - Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering (2013)
Career | 工作经历
甬江实验室,研究员 (2024)
Service | 学术服务
主题编辑(Journal Topic Editor): Micromachines
青年编委(Journal Youth Editor): Additive Manufacturing Frontiers
Project | 国家项目
国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于触变性流体的屈服特性3D打印自支撑微观薄壳结构的机理研究,主持, 2024 年
Publication | 论文专著

R. Su, F. Wang, M. C. McAlpine, 3D Printed Microfluidics: Advances in Strategies, Integration, and Applications, Lab on a Chip 23, 1279-1299 (2023)

R. Su, S. H. Park, X. Ouyang, S. I. Ahn, M. C. McAlpine, 3D Printed Flexible Organic Light-Emitting Diode Displays, Science Advances 8, eabl8798 (2022)
Paper | Talk | Video | Project | Nature Highlight

X. Ouyang, R. Su, G. Han, D. W. H. Ng, D. R. Pearson, M. C. McAlpine, 3D Printed Skin-Interfaced UV-Visible Photodetectors, Advanced Science 9, 2201275 (2022)
Paper | Project

R. Su, J. Wen, Q. Su, M. S. Wiederoder, S. J. Koester, J. R. Uzarski, M. C. McAlpine, 3D Printed Self-Supporting Elastomeric Structures for Multifunctional Microfluidics, Science Advances 6, eabc9846 (2020)
Paper | Talk | Video | Project

R. Su, S. H. Park, Z. Li, M. C. McAlpine, “3D Printed Electronic Materials and Devices,” in Robotic Systems and Autonomous Platforms: Advances in Materials and Manufacturing. Eds: S. M. Walsh, M. S. Strano. CH 13 (Woodhead,Cambridge, 2019)
Book Chapter | Poster | Project

S. H. Park* (co-first), R. Su* (co-first), J. Jeong, S.-Z. Guo, K. Qiu, D. Joung, F. Meng, M. C. McAlpine, 3D Printed Polymer Photodetectors. Advanced Materials 30, 1803980 (2018)
Paper | Video | Project | Nature Highlight

K. Qiu, Z. Zhao, G. Haghiashtiani, S.-Z. Guo, M. He, R. Su, Z. Zhu, D. Bhuiyan, P. Murugan, F. Meng, S. H. Park, C.-C. Chu, B. M. Ogle, D. A. Saltzman, B. R. Konety, R. M. Sweet, M. C. McAlpine, 3D Printed Organ Models with Physical Properties of Tissue and Integrated Sensors. Advanced Materials Technologies 3, 1700235 (2018)
Paper | Video | Project

G. Hou, D. Chauhan, V. Ng, C. Xu, Z. Yin, M. Paine, R. Su, V. Shanov, D. Mast, M. Schulz, Y. Liu, Gas Phase Pyrolysis Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes at High Temperature. Materials and Design 132, 112-118 (2017)

G. Hou, R. Su, A. Wang, V. Ng, W. Li, Y. Song, L. Zhang, M. Sundaram, V. Shanov, D. Mast, D. Lashmore, M. Mark,Y. Liu, The Effect of A Convection Vortex on Sock Formation in the Floating Catalyst Method for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis. Carbon 102, 513–519 (2016)
Patent | 专利发明
M. C. McAlpine, X. Ouyang, D. Pearson, R. Su, “Photodetectors for Measuring Real-Time Optical Irradiance,” US Provisional Patent Application 63/366,299. International Patent Application 1008-333WO01.
M. C. McAlpine, R. Su, S. H. Park, “Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) Display and Methods of Fabrication Using A Multimodal Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing Technique,” US Provisional Patent Application 63/247,358. International Patent Application PCT/US22/44322.
M. C. McAlpine, R. Su, S. J. Koester, J. R. Uzarski, “Additively Manufactured Self-Supporting Microfluidics,” U.S.Patent US 11,820,061 B2. International Patent Application PCT/US2020/061072.
E. Crist, D. K. Wood, R. Su, M. C. McAlpine, “Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Metastasis Array,” U.S. Patent Application 18/556,529. International Patent Application PCT/US22/71843.
Awards | 科研奖励
Pui Best Dissertation Award (2022): University of Minnesota
Best PhD Dissertation Award (2021): Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
MRS Best Presentation Award (2020): Material Research Society, Additive Manufacturing Symposium
MRS Graduate Student Silver Award (2018): Material Research Society
National Encouragement Scholarship (2010): Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
Outreach | 对外交流
September, 2022: Qiu's Research Group at Washington State University is conducting fascinating research in additive manufacturing and functional devices. I am very honored to deliver a talk to the group and have insightful discussions with the excellent resaerchers!
March, 2022: KLA Instruments Display Materials Technology Asia Symposium provided an engaging venue to share insights with experts in electroluminescent materials and devices. Very glad to delivery a presentation to the field.
January, 2022: Our publication, "3D printed Flexible OLED displays", was selected and reported by Nature Research Highlight, MIT Technology Review (China), and IEEE Spectrum. Other major news outlets include: ScienceDaily, 3D Printing Industry, Nanowerk, TechXplore, Science Megazine.
December, 2021: 2021 Fall MRS Meeting was an extraordinary experience during which I gave a talk, entitled "3D printed OLED display." It also provided inspiring networking experiences with worldwide experts in advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and functional materials and devices!
October, 2021: Delivering a guest lecture to the class of Introduction to Nanoscience (PHYS 470) at Virginia Commonwealth University proved to be an inspiring opportunity to have refreshing discussions with students on microfluidic fabrication.
September, 2021: The 6th PREDiCT Summit provided a highly professional platform to hold discussions with experts in microfuidics and biomedicine. I presented my thoughts on the application of 3D printed devices in Drug Screening and Oncology Research.
December, 2020: I am very honored to receive the prestigious MRS Best Presentation Award, which was awarded for my presentation on 3D printed microfluidics during the 2020 Fall MRS Additive Manufacturing Symposium.
May, 2020: In this invited article published on Drug Target Review, I am excited to share my views on how microfluidics, in particular 3D printed microfluidcs, can help expedite the discovery of new drugs and reduce damage to animals.


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