全球第一个Makibox 立体3d打印机评测

本帖最后由 香蕉 于 2013-7-14 00:41 编辑

几经辛苦先Reg到EPC A/C,好高兴见到香港有咁多人玩3D Printer。小弟都玩左3D Printer 2年几3年,第一部系2011年入手的PrintrBot ,第二部系岩攞到手嘅Makibox Beta Version(应该系第7个Beta testers),嚟紧7月中至尾应该会有多部Makerbot Replicator 2X (而家买要等好耐,至少要8个星期,长嘅话要成10个星期。等到我想讲粗口*(&(*&$#(*&#(*$&%^)。
迟啲我会出开箱/少少教学/用3D printer 少少心得同大家交流下。小弟才疏学浅,有羊讲错、讲得唔好,唔好插咁应。
废话唔讲,俾个Review 大家睇下先。(BTW,系唔系有Whatsapp Group Join?)
全球第一个Makibox 立体打印机评论

全球第一个Makibox 立体3d打印机评测

全球第一个Makibox 立体3d打印机评测

A6 HT Stainless
Source: Makibox.com
1. Price: 价格

A6 LT: USD$200 (~HKD$1600)
A6 HT Acrylic USD$300 (~HKD$2400)
A6 HT Stainless USD$350 (~HKD$2800)
Shipping fee is not included (以上不连运费)

2. Specification 规格:

Outside Dimensions 打印机尺寸:
290mm wide 阔 x 235mm deep 深 x 235mm tall 高
Printing Output 列印品输出大小:
150mm wide 阔 (Y-axis) x 110mm deep 深 (X-axis) x 90mm tall 高 (Z-axis)
Visualize the size 图像化输出大小: http://wolfr.am/16QoEFk
Positional Resolution: 位置性解像度:
0.04mm (full step resolution 全步解像度) in XYZ, output resolution depends on output speed and nozzle size. 列印品输出的像质取决於输出速度及喷嘴大小
Movement System: 传送系统:
Drive Screws 推动式螺旋 (8mm movement per rotation 一圈行8mm) and Stepper Motors 步进马达
Nozzle 喷嘴:
Default 预设 0.4mm; Available 备有 0.3mm and 0.5mm
Drive Electronics 推动电路:
Printrboard Rev B with MakiBox Firmware

3. Assembly 组装:

The assembly process of makibox is very easy. Assembling the makibox sounds like playing Lego. The only thing different is you just have to know how to screw the nuts.
Because of the ease of assembly process, the time you spent on assembling the makibox is around 3 hours if you know a newbie in 3D printing. You could get your first print of Makibox from assembling in an afternoon of a weekend.
组装容易;如果你懂得砌Lego,组装Makibox一定难不了你。因為组装Makibox 只需要上螺丝而已。
由於组装容易,所以组装Makibox 需时时间短 (如果你是立体打印新手,只需约3小时组装。一个週末的下午便可以由开始组装到打印第一件物件)

全球第一个Makibox 立体3d打印机评测

全球第一个Makibox 立体3d打印机评测

Sample of assembly instruction
Source: Makibox blog

4. Software: 软件
5Dprint screen capture
Source: Makibox blog

Makibox is like other RepRap 3D printer. The slicing program and the program for controlling the stepping motors and extruder are different. Makibox uses its own developed software called “5D print" to control the stepping motors and the extruder.
"5D print" is a web app for you to control the electronics of Makibox through a simple User interface in a web browser. For the advanced user, you could control the Makibox with the common G-Code with the console in 5D print.
Makibox 正如其他RepRap 立体打印机一样,立体物件切薄片软件和控制步进马达及挤压头的软件是不同。Makibox 用它自己研发的软件 ﹣ “5D print" 来控制Makibox 的步进马达及挤压头。
"5D print" 是一个网页应用程式,你可以简单地通过简单的使用者介面来控制Makibox 的步进马达及挤压头﹐而且"5D print" 亦提供Makibox的资讯如热床温度/挤出头温度

Pros 好处:

Makibox 的设计好好,有一些重点很聪明,如特别是有一个洞的热床。
Due to the good design of makibox, its maintenance is minimised. The only thing you have to bother is the calibration of the level of hotbed.
因為Makibox 的设计好好,维护它的时间/心机可以最少化。而校正热床是唯一你需要关注的事情。

Cons 不足之处:

It's still not a 3D printer for lazy customer. You still have to assembly.
Makibox 仍然不是一个俾懒人的立体打印机,你仍然要组装它。
The customer still needs to care about the calibration of the level of hotbed.

Marks 评分:

Easiness of assembly 组装: 9/10
Easiness of use of software 软件: 7/10
Easiness of calibration 校準容易度: 5/10
Quality of output 输出品质素: 8/10

几经辛苦先Reg到EPC A/C,好高兴见到香港有咁多人玩3D Printer。小弟都玩左3D Printer 2年几3年,第一部系2011年入手的PrintrBot ,第二部系岩攞到手嘅Makibox Beta Version(应该系第7个Beta testers),嚟紧7月中至尾应该会有多部Makerbot Replicator 2X (而家买要等好耐,至少要8个星期,长嘅话要成10个星期。等到我想讲粗口*(&(*&$#(*&#(*$&%^)。
迟啲我会出开箱/少少教学/用3D printer 少少心得同大家交流下。小弟才疏学浅,有羊讲错、讲得唔好,唔好插咁应。
废话唔讲,俾个Review 大家睇下先。(BTW,系唔系有Whatsapp Group Join?)
全球第一个Makibox 立体打印机评论
A6 HT Stainless
Source: Makibox.com
1. Price: 价格

A6 LT: USD$200 (~HKD$1600)
A6 HT Acrylic USD$300 (~HKD$2400)
A6 HT Stainless USD$350 (~HKD$2800)
Shipping fee is not included (以上不连运费)

2. Specification 规格:

Outside Dimensions 打印机尺寸:
290mm wide 阔 x 235mm deep 深 x 235mm tall 高
Printing Output 列印品输出大小:
150mm wide 阔 (Y-axis) x 110mm deep 深 (X-axis) x 90mm tall 高 (Z-axis)
Visualize the size 图像化输出大小: http://wolfr.am/16QoEFk
Positional Resolution: 位置性解像度:
0.04mm (full step resolution 全步解像度) in XYZ, output resolution depends on output speed and nozzle size. 列印品输出的像质取决於输出速度及喷嘴大小
Movement System: 传送系统:
Drive Screws 推动式螺旋 (8mm movement per rotation 一圈行8mm) and Stepper Motors 步进马达
Nozzle 喷嘴:
Default 预设 0.4mm; Available 备有 0.3mm and 0.5mm
Drive Electronics 推动电路:
Printrboard Rev B with MakiBox Firmware

3. Assembly 组装:

The assembly process of makibox is very easy. Assembling the makibox sounds like playing Lego. The only thing different is you just have to know how to screw the nuts.
Because of the ease of assembly process, the time you spent on assembling the makibox is around 3 hours if you know a newbie in 3D printing. You could get your first print of Makibox from assembling in an afternoon of a weekend.
组装容易;如果你懂得砌Lego,组装Makibox一定难不了你。因為组装Makibox 只需要上螺丝而已。
由於组装容易,所以组装Makibox 需时时间短 (如果你是立体打印新手,只需约3小时组装。一个週末的下午便可以由开始组装到打印第一件物件)

Sample of assembly instruction
Source: Makibox blog

4. Software: 软件
5Dprint screen capture
Source: Makibox blog

全球第一个Makibox 立体3d打印机评测

全球第一个Makibox 立体3d打印机评测

Makibox is like other RepRap 3D printer. The slicing program and the program for controlling the stepping motors and extruder are different. Makibox uses its own developed software called “5D print" to control the stepping motors and the extruder.
"5D print" is a web app for you to control the electronics of Makibox through a simple User interface in a web browser. For the advanced user, you could control the Makibox with the common G-Code with the console in 5D print.
Makibox 正如其他RepRap 立体打印机一样,立体物件切薄片软件和控制步进马达及挤压头的软件是不同。Makibox 用它自己研发的软件 ﹣ “5D print" 来控制Makibox 的步进马达及挤压头。
"5D print" 是一个网页应用程式,你可以简单地通过简单的使用者介面来控制Makibox 的步进马达及挤压头﹐而且"5D print" 亦提供Makibox的资讯如热床温度/挤出头温度

Pros 好处:

Makibox 的设计好好,有一些重点很聪明,如特别是有一个洞的热床。
Due to the good design of makibox, its maintenance is minimised. The only thing you have to bother is the calibration of the level of hotbed.
因為Makibox 的设计好好,维护它的时间/心机可以最少化。而校正热床是唯一你需要关注的事情。

Cons 不足之处:

It's still not a 3D printer for lazy customer. You still have to assembly.
Makibox 仍然不是一个俾懒人的立体打印机,你仍然要组装它。
The customer still needs to care about the calibration of the level of hotbed.

Marks 评分:

Easiness of assembly 组装: 9/10
Easiness of use of software 软件: 7/10
Easiness of calibration 校準容易度: 5/10
Quality of output 输出品质素: 8/10

虽然得所谓三面,但用系不锈钢成个feel solid好多;无咁玩具Feel。我自己觉得值得俾萝。
迟下我想自己加个面盖,保温对Print ABS 好好多。
你想知Printrbot? 真系不吐不快
Printrbot is a shit!!!我初初帮手Kickstarter 集资。Delay 都算啦(Kickstarter 都算好正常),佢又用啲死人美制尺寸。我都算啦,佢竟然寄漏好多件/寄几件坏Parts 俾我,我Send 几十个Emails ,成个月之后佢先覆我(你无睇错系EMAILS 成个月,我以為佢系火星。我Twitter 上质问佢,佢先覆我)之后佢先死死地气寄返啲Parts俾我,依样野我都可以由佢。
所以我以后都Blacklist 左依间野,我遇到任何朋友想玩3D printer 都叫佢打死都唔好买佢。佢个设计又唔系好,太过Open,印亲ABS都起角。

下一篇:3d打印与蚕丝堆迭与蚕造结构/MIT Media Lab

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2013-7-14 00:42:28 | 显示全部楼层



首先关於传动结构疑问, 本机结构应该是下图所示吧





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