阿根廷Kikai实验室宣布,其设计的Kikai 3D智能打印机完整的设计图纸免费开放下载,让用户可以自己购买零件组装出3D打印机。
阿根廷Kikai 3D打印机设计图纸免费下载
“”Kikai实验室自创立以来,一直让概念实现为产品。”Kikai实验室主席Marcelo Ruiz Camauër说,“我们可以这样做,是因为我们站立在巨人的肩膀上。”
完整的Kikai 3D打印机根据GNU通用公共许可证和Copyleft许可证,允许大众使用它,并且可以修改完善它。
This started life as a hybrid laser cut/3D printed remix for Mendel, but evolved to incorporate ideas and parts from Printrbot, and Wallace, plus assorted parts from Thingiverse and some brand new ones.
It is designed to be easy to assemble and to produce in bulk quantities (i.e. less than mass-produced, more than hand-crafted).
License: GPL-3 (C) 2012-2013
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