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  1991.9-1995.7 ,华中科技大学,工程学,获学士学位

  1998.9-2000.7 ,华中科技大学,经济学,获硕士学位

  2002.9-2005.7 ,新加坡南洋理工大学,工程学,获博士学位



















  12.主持《复杂材料结构的加工和机械性能优化项目》,英国西部研究所和EAD共同出资 ,2008年



  1. L. Hao, X. Lin, Y.S. Shi (2011) “Preparation, characterisation and processing of carbon fibre/polyamide-12 composites for selective laser sintering”, Composites Sci. & Tech., 71,1834-1941

  2. L.Hao, S. Dadbakhsh“Materials and Process Aspects of Selective Laser Melting of Metals and Metal Matrix Composites: A Review” (Invited Paper), Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2009,36(12), 3192-3203.EI

  3. Hao, L. , Mellor, S. , Seaman, O. , Henderson, J. , Sewell, N. and Sloan, M. 'Material characterisation and process development for chocolate additive layer manufacturing', Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 5:2, 57 - 64.

  4. L. Hao, M. M. Savalani, Y. Zhang, K.E. Tanner and R. A. Harris“Rapid, manufacturing of bioceramic/polymer composite implants by selective laser sintering”, International Journal of Computer Application in Technology,2009, 36(1), 97-103

  5. L.Hao, S. Dadbakhsh, O. Seaman, M. Felstead “Selective Laser Melting of a Stainless Steel and Hydroxyapatite Composite for Load-Bearing Implant Development”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009,209(17), 5793-5801.SCI

  6. L. Hao, M. M. Savalani, Y. Zhang, K.E. Tanner, R.J. Heath and R. A. Harris,“Characterisation of selective laser sintered hydroxyapatite based biocomposite structures for bone replacement”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,2007, Series A, 463, 1857-1869

  7. L. Hao and J. Lawrence “Wettability modification and the subsequent manipulation of protein adsorption on a Ti6Al4V alloy by means of CO2 laser surface treatment” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2007,18 (11),807-817

  8. L. Hao, M. M. Savalani, Y. Zhang, K.E. Tanner and R. A. Harris“The effect of material and processing conditions on characteristics of hydroxyapatite and high density polyethylene bio-composite by selective laser sintering”, Proceedings of the IMechE Part L, Journal of Materials: Design & Application, 2006,220, 125-137

  9. L. Hao, M. M. Savalani, Y. Zhang, K.E. Tanner and R. A. Harris “Selective laser sintering of hydroxyapatite reinforced polyethylene composites for bioactive implants and tissue scaffold development”, Proceedings of the IMechE Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2006,220 (H4),521-531

  10. L. Hao and J. Lawrence“The effects of Nd:YAG laser treatment on the wettability characteristics of a zirconia-based bioceramic”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2006, 44 (8),803-814

  11. L. Hao and J. Lawrence“Albumin and fibronectin protein adsorption on CO2 laser modified bio-grade stainless steel”, Proceedings of the IMechE Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2006,220 (H1),47-55

  12. L. Hao and J. Lawrence “Melt depth prediction for laser irradiated magnesia partially stabilised zirconia”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2006, 180 (1-3),110-116

  13. L. Hao and J. Lawrence “Numerical modelling of the laser surface processing of magnesia partially stabilised zirconia by the means of three-dimensional transient finite element analysis”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 2006,Series A, 462 (2065),43-57

  14. L. Hao and J. Lawrence, “The improved adsorption of human plasma fibronectin on magnesia partially stabilised zirconia (MgO-PSZ) bioceramic resulting from CO2 laser irradiation”, Journal of Laser Applications,2005, 17 (2), 127-133

  15. L. Hao, J. Lawrence, K.S. Chian, “Osteoblast cell adhesion on laser modified zirconia based bioceramic”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine,2005,16 (8),719-726

  16. L. Hao, D.R. Ma, J. Lawrence, X. Zhu, “Enhancing osteoblast functions on a magnesia partially stabilised zirconia bioceramic by means of laser irradiation”, Materials Science & Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems, 2005,25, 496-502

  17. L. Hao, J. Lawrence, Y.F. Phua, K.S. Chian, G.C. Lim, H.Y. Zheng,“Enhanced human Osteoblast cell adhesion and proliferation on 316 LS stainless steel by means of CO2 laser surface treatment”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research B, Applied Biomaterials, 2005,73B (1),148-156

  18. L. Hao, J. Lawrence and L. Li, “The wettability modification of bio-grade stainless steel in contact with simulated physiological liquids by the means of laser irradiation” Applied Surface Science, 2005,247 (1-4),453-457.

  19. L. Hao, J. Lawrence and L. Li, (2005), “The manipulation of the osteoblast cell response to the Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy using high power diode laser (HPDL)” Applied Surface Science, 2005,247 (1-4),602-606.


  1.Tang D, Liang Hao*, Li Y, et al. Dual gradient direct ink writing for formation of kaolinite ceramic functionally graded materials[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 814: 152275.

  2.Tang D, Liang Hao*, et al. Effect of clay functionally graded materials on dual gradient direct ink writing behavior and microstructure of geological model[J]. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2019.

  3.Feng Z, Li Y, Liang Hao*, et al. Graphene-Reinforced Biodegradable Resin Composites for Stereolithographic 3D Printing of Bone Structure Scaffolds[J]. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2019.

  4.Xiong W, Liang Hao*, Li Y, et al. Effect of selective laser melting parameters on morphology, microstructure, densification and mechanical properties of supersaturated silver alloy[J]. Materials & Design, 170: 107697, 2019.

  5.Li Y, Feng Z, Liang Hao*, et al. Additive manufacturing high performance graphene-based composites: A review[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019: 105483.

  6.Feng Z, Liu L, Liang Hao*, et al. 3D printed Sm-doped ceria composite electrolyte membrane for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(26): 13843-13851, 2019.

  7.Tang D, Liang Hao*, Li Y, et al. Investigation of wax-based barite slurry and deposition for 3D printing landslide model[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2018, 108: 99-106.

  8.Yan X, Liang Hao*, et al. Thermal debinding mass transfer mechanism and dynamics of copper green parts fabricated by an innovative 3D printing method[J]. RSC advances, 8(19): 10355-10360, 2018.

  9.Yan X, Liang Hao*, et al Research on influencing factors and its optimization of metal powder injection molding without mold via an innovative 3D printing method, Rsc Advances, 7(87):55232-55239, 2017.

  10.Chunze Yang*, Liang Hao*, Ahmed Hussein,Philippe Young,Ti–6Al–4V triply periodic minimal surface structures for bone implants fabricated via selective laser melting,Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 51, Pages 61-73, November 2015.

  11.Chunze Yang, Liang Hao*,Ahmed Hussein,PhilippeYoung,Juntong Huang,Wei Zhu,Microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminium alloy cellular lattice structures manufactured by direct metal laser sintering,Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 628, Pages 238-246, 25 March 2015.

  12.Chunze Yan, Liang Hao*,Ahmed Hussein,Simon Lawrence Bubb,Philippe Young,David Raymont, Evaluation of light-weight AlSi10Mg periodic cellular lattice structures fabricated via direct metal laser sintering,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 214, Issue 4, Pages 856-864, April 2014.

  13.Stephen Mellor,Liang Hao*,David Zhang, Additive manufacturing:A framework for implementation,International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 149, Pages 194-201, March 2014.;SCI,T2,IF1.943.

  14.Chunze Yan , Liang Hao *, Ahmed Hussein, Philippe Young, David Raymont,Advanced lightweight 316L stainless steel cellular lattice structures fabricated via selective laser melting,Materials & Design, Volume 55, Pages 533-541, March 2014.

  15.Ahmed Hussein , Liang Hao*,Chunze Yang, Richard Everson, Materials and Design, volume 52, pages 638-647.;SCI,T2,IF2.27.

  16.Giovanni Strano,Liang Hao*,Richard Everson,Kenneth E. Evans,Surface roughness analysis, modelling and prediction in selective laser melting,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, volume 213, no. 4, pages 589-597. ;SCI,T2,IF1.769.

  17.Ahmed Hussein , Liang Hao* , Chunze Yan, Richard Everson, Philippe Young,Advanced lattice support structures for metal additive manufacturing,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, volume 213, no. 7, pages 1019-1026. ;SCI,T2,IF1.769.


  1.L.Hao,Fundamentals of 3D Food Printing and Applications(one chapter):Material, Process and Business Development for 3D Chocolate Printing, Academic Press,2018

  2.L. Hao and R. A. Harris,客户量身定做的生物植入物开发(Customised Implanted for bone replacement and growth),Springer,17.1万,2008

  3.L. Hao and J. Lawrence,提高生物材料生物相容性的激光表面处理技术,Wiley,18.9万,2006

  4.L.W. Zheng, L. Hao, Y.K. Liang, Q.S. Liu and H.L. Liu, Guideline of maintenance of Boiler for Thermal Power Plant (Part 3): valve and steam-water pipes system reparation,China Electric & Power Publication,4300,2001


  1.一种保温喷射管式三维巧克力打印设备 (专利号:ZL 201420216630.8)

  2.三维打印机打印头(专利号:ZL 201510777002.6)

  3.一种珐琅制作方法(专利号:ZL 201610079401X)

  4.一种带压感耐高温浆料的3D打印头(专利号:ZL 201621121978.4)

  5.一种喷射式3D打印头和应用该3D打印头的打印机(专利号:ZL 201621382458.9)

  6.一种实时混料3D打印头(专利号:ZL 201621336678.8)

  7.一种百叶状活动结构(专利号:ZL 20172071551.0)

  8.一种可交替变换纹样的戒指(专利号:ZL 201720690343.4)

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  14.锦鲤饰品 (专利号:2019301741368)



  17.《Choc Draw》计算机软件著作权


  19.《一种3D打印的控制主板》 集成电路布图设专有权申请


  1. “杰出科研奖”, 英国埃克塞特大学工程制造、物理和电子学院于2011年12月授予

  2. 最优秀论文奖,2009年国际 International conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping

  3. 最优秀论文奖,2007 for a Paper to Proc. IMechE. H: Engineering in Medicine

  4. 新加坡南洋理工大学博士奖学金,2002年-2005年

  5. 2012年4月6日,英国国家广播公司(BBC)科技新闻,“Chocolate printer to go on sale after Easter”,http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-17623424

  6. 2011年7月5日,英国国家广播公司(BBC)科技新闻,”Printer produces personalised 3D chocolate” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-14030720

  7. 2011年7月,英国邮报技术新闻报道http://www.telegraph.co.uk/techn ... ter-could-be-future



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