

王苹  副教授


1. 2007年——2012年 哈尔滨工业大学 材料加工工程 工学博士

2. 2005年——2007年 哈尔滨工业大学 材料加工工程 工学硕士

3. 2001年——2005年 兰州理工大学 冶金工程 学士


2024.04—— 副教授/博导 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),海洋工程学院
2021.01——2024.03 副教授/硕导 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),海洋工程学院
2019.05——2020.12 助理研究员/硕导 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),海洋工程学院
2013.08——2019.05 助理研究员 哈尔滨工业大学 , 先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室
2014.06——2019.09 博士后 渤海船舶重工有限责任公司






本科生课程:Marine Engineering Systems and Control II(48学时)



硕士招生: 每年招收2-3名左右



1. 焊接结构可靠性与失效分析

2. 复杂焊接结构安全评定

3. 焊接结构疲劳及轻量化设计

4. 焊接过程数值模拟、焊接应力与变形控制

5. 焊接残余应力调控及测试


2020.11-2021.6 MFA2项目焊接疲劳测试试验进行检测检验服务 主持 -- 进行中

2019.11-2022.12 港珠澳大桥重点研发子课题:基于结构应力法的港珠澳大桥关键承载位置疲劳寿命分析 主持 -- 进行中

2020.11-2021.12 轨道车辆焊接结构件概率损伤容限评估方法 主持 --结题

2020.5-2021.4 新型异种材料连接方法、质量定义及缺陷安全技术研究II 主持 ---进行中

2019.10-2020.11 基于结构安全的管道焊缝缺陷修复原则研究 主持--- 结题

2019.3-2020.1 YTB冲压级燃烧室焊接变形控制、热处理工艺及高温辅以性能预测 主持 --- 进行中

2016.01-2019.12 高强铝合金接头疲劳全寿命分析,模拟及验证 主持 --- 已结题

2019.5-2020.4 新型异种材料连接方法、质量定义及缺陷安全技术研究 主持 --已结题

2017.7-2019.12 车体材料本构建模及热力耦合分析研究 主持 -- 已完成

2017.9-2019.12 基于主S-N曲线的铝合金搅拌摩擦焊试件疲劳性能研究 主持 --- 已结题

2019.9-2019.12 风电设备结构应力计算方法 负责 --- 已完成

2014.3-2016.12 哈工大科研创新基金-角焊缝失效模式预测及验证 主持-- 已完成

2013-2014 高强钢厚板压力筒的可靠性分析 参与 已完成

2012-2013 KM8真空容器承载分析及焊后应力与变形预测 参与 已完成

2010-2011 某型号CRH车体地板变形控制工艺研究 参与 已完成

2009 XXX高强钢双弧焊厚板焊接变形及相变研究 参与 已完成

2009 船用通舱管焊接结构的数值模拟及优化技术 参与 已完成

2008 北京地铁4#线不锈钢车体的数值模拟与变形预测 参与 已完成

2008 龙门起重机某侧板变形分析 参与 已完成

2008 E6111换热器管板结构表面堆焊工艺的数值模拟优化 参与 已完成

2007 高速列车铝合金车A6N01S铝合金焊接热裂纹机理研究 参与 已完成

2007 镍基合金水室隔板拼接焊接变形控制工艺的数值模拟优化 参与 已完成

2007 C2蒸汽发生器下封头与一次侧筒体环缝局部热处理热传导有限元分析 参与 已完成


Banglong Yu, Yong Liu, Ping Wang*, Yongkang Zheng, Xiaoguo Song. Fatigue behavior of SMA490BW welded components considering AHT with traction structural stress. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024.

Banglong Yu, Zhihao Chen, Ping Wang*, Yong Liu. Fatigue and anisotropic behavior of wire-arc additive manufactured TC17 titanium alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024.

Zhihao Chen, Yong Liu*, Hongliang Qian, Ping Wang, Yizhou Liu. Effect of repair welding on the fatigue behavior of AA6082-T6 T-joints in marine structures based on FFS and experiments. Ocean Engineering, 2023.

Peng Zhao, Banglong Yu*, Ping Wang*, Yong Liu. Influence of Repair Welding on the Fatigue Behavior of S355J2 T-Joints. Materials, 2023.

Yizhou Liu, Wenhua Huang, Banhai Yu, Zhihao Chen*, Ping Wang*. Fatigue performance analysis of welded T-joints in orthotropic steel bridge decks with ultrasonic impact treatment. Materials, 2023.

Banglong Yu, Zhihao Chen, Ping Wang*, Xiaoguo Song. A comparative study on the mechanical behavior of S355J2 steel repair-welded joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023.

Zhihao Chen, Banglong Yu, Ping Wang*, Hongliang Qian. Fatigue properties evaluation of fillet weld joints in full-scale steel marine structures. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 270, 113651.

Banglong Yu, Ping Wang*, Xiaoguo Song, Shihui Huo.The residual stress relief of post weld heat treatment in SMA490BW welded joints: Simulation and experiment.International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 2022.

Zhihao Chen, Yanjuan Duan, Ping Wang*,Hongliang Qian. Residual Stress Redistribution Analysis in the Repair Welding of AA6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Joints: Experiment and Simulation. Materials.2022.

Haibo Yang, Ping Wang*, Hongliang Qian, Pingsha Dong.Modeling of fatigue failure mode in U-rib to deck joints in orthotropic bridge structures. Fatigue&Fracture of Engineering Materials&Structures. 2022.

Haibo Yang, Ping Wang *, Hongliang Qian, Pingsha Dong.Analysis of fatigue test conditions for reproducing weld toe cracking into U-rib wall in orthotropic bridge decks. International Journal of Fatigue.2022.

Yong Liu, Yifei Yu, Ping Wang*, Hongyuan Fang. Analysis and mitigation of the bending deformation in girth-welded slender pipes with numerical modelling and experimental measurement. Journal of Manufacturing Processes.2022.

Zhihao Chen, Banglong Yu, Ping Wang*, Hongliang Qian, Pingsha Dong. Fatigue behaviors of aluminum alloy butt joints with backing plates: Experimental testing and traction stress. International Journal of Fatigue.2022.

Haibo Yang, Hongliang Qian, Ping Wang*, Pingsha Dong. Multiaxial fatigue behaviors of open-rib to crossbeam joints in orthotropic bridge structures. Steel and Composite Structures. 2022.

Haibo Yang, Ping Wang*, Hongliang Qian, Shuang Niu. A Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation Paths at U-Rib Welds in Orthotropic Bridge Decks using a Phased-Array Imaging Technique. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2022.

Haibo Yang, Ping Wang*, Hongliang Qian, Pingsha Dong. Analysis of fatigue test conditions for reproducing weld toe cracking into U-rib wall in orthotropic bridge decks. International Journal of Fatigue. 2022.

Haibo Yang, Ping Wang*, Hongliang Qian, Shuang Niu, Pingsha Dong. An experimental investigation into fatigue behaviors of single- and double-sided U rib welds in orthotropic bridge decks. International Journal of Fatigue.2022.

Yifei Yu, Xianjun Pei, Ping Wang*, Pingsha Dong. A Structural Stress Approah Accounting for Notch Effects on FatiguePropagation Life: Part I Theory. International Journal of Fatigue.2022.

Haibo Yang,Hongliang Qian*, Ping Wang*.Fatigue property analysis of U rib-to-crossbeam connections under heavy traffic vehicle load considering in-plane shear stress.Steel and composite structures.2021.

Yong Liu, Ping Wang*. Mitigation of residual stress and deformation induced by TIG welding in thin-walled pipes through external constraint.Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2021.

Yong Liu, Ping Wang*. Characteristics of welding distortion and residual stresses in thin-walled pipes by solid-shell hybrid modelling and experimental verification.Journal of Manufacturing Processes.2021.

Song Wei; Ping Wang; Wan Di; Qian Guian; Correia José; Berto Filippo.Fatigue crack growth behavior of Ni-Cr-Mo-V steel welded joints considering strength mismatch effect.International Journal of Fatigue.2021.

Zhihao Chen, Ping Wang*.Thermo-mechanical analysis of the repair welding residual stress of AISI 316L pipeline for ECA.International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping.2021.

Haibo Yang, Ping Wang*, Hongliang Qian.Fatigue property of U rib-crossbeam-deck connections in OBD under combined loading of bending and torsion.Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics.2021.

Yifei Yu, Ping Wang*, Xianjun Pei, Pingsha Dong.Fatigue resistance characterization of frictions stir welds between complex aluminum extrusions: An experimental and finite element study.International Journal of Fatigue.2020.

Haibo Yang, Ping Wang*, Hongliang Qian.Fatigue behavior of typical details of orthotropic steel bridges in multiaxial stress states using traction structural stress.International Journal of Fatigue.2020.

Jianxiao Ma, Ping Wang*.Quantitative analysis of overload effect at crack tip on crack growth rate of 7005 aluminum alloy.International Journal of Fatigue.2020.

Ping Wang, Xianjun Pei, Pingsha Dong.Analysis of weld root fatigue cracking in load-carrying high-strength aluminum alloy cruciform joints.International Journal of Fatigue.2020.

Ping Wang, Xianjun Pei, Pingsha Dong, Shaopin Song. Traction structural stress analysis of fatigue behaviors of rib-to-deck joints in orthotropic bridge deck. International Journal of Fatigue. 2019.

王苹,裴宪军,钱宏亮.焊接结构抗疲劳设计新方法与应用. 机械工程学报(EI).2021.

王苹,米莉艳,于谊飞,董平沙.7N01 铝合金十字接头抗疲劳设计.焊接学报(EI).2019.

王苹,裴宪军,钱宏亮,董平沙.焊接残余应力对7N01 铝合金疲劳裂纹扩展影响.焊接学报(EI).2019.

王苹, 刘永,常荷茜,董平沙.焊接结构学中的热–力耦合问题简析.焊接学报(EI).2019.



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